Wake up Muse!

Wake up Muse! Tell me a story, one that sparks with excitement, and feels good to follow. Make the hero a dashing and lovable man. Make the beauty patient and wise. Make the adventure dangerous, but full of purpose. When the hero slays the dragon and captures the prize, let his return to the home of the beauty symbolize rebirth and everlasting love.

Give the hero a name like a character in a song. Let him start out young, inexperienced, and foolish. Make the subplots progressively more puzzling and strange. Allies disappearing and returning in later chapters. Encounters that remind him of home, but provide no way back there. Let shapeshifters and evil princesses always drag him away from his true path. Whenever he is lost and knocking on Death’s door, let a vision of the beauty pull him back from the brink. This vision will never falter or shift. It’s a vision of her love for him and it makes him question why he ever chose adventure over beauty and love. And then let him discover that the quest has made him more capable of giving and receiving love. More wise than remaining in the protection of his homeland. More courageous and confident than his youthful past. Full of vigor and determination and possessing the attitude of one who has conquered darkness and dispair.

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March 16, 2022frankie0 CommentsSeptember 10, 2014
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