Who is the Nightmare Hunter?

This entry is part 1 of 8 in the series The Nightmare Hunter

Now I hunt the nightmares! Ghouls and vampires no match at all. I can back down an entire cabal of gangsters with a simple Jedi mind trick! Turn back an invasion of space-faring zombies with American know how and a confidence that I’m the man for the job. When I dream I possess a supernatural belief in my own survival. Go ahead. Shoot!

I’ve mutated, evaded, frustrated, and grown above the tree line. Prevented the world’s annihilation and led the resistance to victory and freedom. Survived torture and interrogation. Saved damsels and pursued the Grail. Administered vaccines and led investigations. Evaded search parties and altered my identity. Died a horrible painful death and re-incarnated in the nearest living body. Breathed under water and walked on lava. Had bombs dropped directly on my head and watched tsunamis approach and never lost my cool. Now my biggest fear is not being confident where I’ll wake up or if minutes, days, or even lifetimes have passed me up in my slumber.

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March 23, 2022frankie0 Comments
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