About my muse

She makes my heart explode in colors. She tells me how much she loves me and I melt. She pours out her love and mercy and my wounds are healed. She forgives me of wrong I did to her in the past. She invites me to try again to make it right and capture her heart. But I will never capture her spirit because it soars free. I am left running, chasing, earthbound, calling her name, professing my love, pleading to her not to deny my passion, not to leave me too long, not to forget my love is bound to hers, tethered and tamed, my wild heart quieted and satisfied to be her possession.

She holds my imagination in the palm of her hand. She keeps my image in a heart shaped locket hidden deep in her soul. The reason I am alive today is she kept my spirit safe and cared for, while I fought my way through darkness, destruction, and peril. Now she welcomes me back into her loving arms and precious heart, where I am safe again. I am able to rest in her protection. I heal my wounds in her compassion.

She speaks a word and I am driven to do her bidding. She whispers lover and I am mighty and brave. She asks my favor and I am bound for adventure. She instructs my heart and my hand, both are hers. She nourishes my spirit, giving me strength to seize the day. She fills me with courage, bold as love. She calls to me and I am there.

She tells me of a love she has kept hidden, wonderful and untarnished, reserved for the man that touched her young heart, long ago. She is sorrowfully grateful she knew him then. Diligently keeping his memory and spirit alive. I pray to my Lord to allow me to be courageous enough to be that man again, willing to fulfill her every wish, full of yearning to please her, and endearing enough for her to call me champion.

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March 26, 2022frankie0 CommentsOctober 27, 2010
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