The Perfect Alignment of Time, Season, Rhyme, and Reason.

New Year’s Eve 2019

This being a time that one looks back at what has passed and forward to what is to come, I find myself anxiously reflective. I wait for a phone call that will announce the arrival of my third grandchild. Who likes waiting? I pray for everyone’s protection. I pray for good news. I try not to panic when the call doesn’t come. I try not to imagine suffering or loss.This year has been a season of renewed healing and recovery, but my ability to avoid moments of panic and fear is still fragile. God is good. My mind still needs work.

I have promised God and all my loved ones that I will continue to press into the calling I have long wrestled with. He has given me a voice. They have given me an audience. All that is left is for me to give up on the futile search for the perfect alignment of time, season, rhyme, and reason. 

From here on out I must push towards realization and illustration. Start at the beginning, and expand on the theme. A fully actualized commitment to fulfilling my mission. A creative adventure played out in word and sentiment. My purpose, displayed in a serialized narrative. My musings and thoughts, organized as story. A story of healing, recovery, and redemption. Restored hope is a precious commodity. A life recovered is a magical mystery. A revived spirit is a blessing from above.

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April 22, 2022frankie1 CommentsDecember 31, 2019
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