When I was a Boy (About Me)

When I was a boy, everything was right – She Said, She Said by Lennon and McCartney.

When I was a boy, everything felt adventurous. When I was a teen, it was all conflict and sorrow. In my twenties, my entire world was a blast. Late in my thirties, I discovered sobriety and purpose. It was loss and despair in midlife, followed by reunion and reconciliation. Today I highlight my senses and sharpen my legacy. 

I have a brother, and we share a mutual lifelong love. I have a son, a daughter-in-law, and three grandchildren, all of whom I adore. I have a stepson that loves and respects me. I have a few lifelong friends with whom I love to spend time. I have a childhood sweetheart I was separated from and reunited with after 36 years. I am blessed. The joy in my life is abundant and uplifting.

Looking back, I can see I have overcome so much. I have survived a gunshot wound to the head (1976.) I have experienced recovery from addiction (1994.) I have conquered depression and Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ( CPTSD.) Grief, homelessness, divorce, childhood abandonment and emotional neglect, financial ruin and job losses, broken relationships, and myriad other hardships and crises. And I’m still standing. “Vertical and taking nourishment,” he declares wittily.

Today my heart is filled with gratitude. My spirit lifted on the wings of hope. New hardships and difficulties are met with a can-do attitude. Disappointments and over-reactions have become opportunities to explore my emotional responses and gain insight into who I am. I don’t have to push myself to figure it all out. I don’t have to beat myself up for lack of perfection. I can love myself and be okay with being the man I want to be: a loving and gentle father, husband, brother, and friend.

Looking forward, I can see continued healing and freedom from a past darkened by strife. Hope is demonstrated through a changed life. Wisdom is gained through experience and sustained growth—a gift shared with others. 

As in the beginning, life is an adventure. Full of triumphs to be celebrated and dangers to be avoided or endured. Not a perfect sign-posted path, but a courageous passage full of grace and blessed assurance.

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October 12, 2022frankie1 CommentsJune 28, 2022
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