Discipline is Slack

My discipline has been slack. It has affected my attitude. A bad attitude has drained my energy. Lack of power has made me numb and confused. My apathy and confusion have led me to ask, “Where has my discipline gone?”

Where oh where? Has my muse become lost? Have I exhausted my mojo? Used it up before it can multiply? Will I get back to where I belong, sweet Loretta?!

Perhaps we should venture out again. Throw the net out on the other side of the boat. One more time for the Gipper! Yo ho! Yo ho! It’s a pirate’s life for me! I found freedom at the bottom of a cask. I encountered Jesus waiting for me to come to my senses. He was waiting for me to surrender my will, waiting for me to accept my purpose, and waiting for me to shut up and listen.

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October 21, 2022frankie0 CommentsAugust 9, 2014
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