Darkly Into Chaos, I Had Been Led

There I lay with a bullet in my head
Darkly into chaos, I had been led
Was it just to build up my street cred
Do I correctly remember what they said 
Young man, you're not gonna die
And you will never deny I and I
For it's your lifetime, I did buy
You are still fated to be our guy
An opportunity to reveal mysteries
A chance to cross the seven seas
Always remembering to say please
When bearing down on your knees 
Attempting to smith words to say
What was wrought upon that day
Responding to a call of "Let's Play!"
Between dark and light lies gray
Angels or masked aliens did call
At least, I think that's what I saw
Just before backward, I did fall
As I tumbled into the all and all
Battling against devils and crooks
Armed only with prayers and books
Hiding in shadows, crevices, and nooks
Regretting reliance on my good looks

Once more, to my Lord, I did entreat
He entered as my heart failed to beat
Offering light as our spirits came to meet
I returned his sweet love, a thankful greet
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post-datePost Datepost-dateAuthorpost-dateCommentspost-dateOriginally Penned
December 7, 2022frankie0 CommentsNovember 25, 2022
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