Writer’s Block – 2014

Tin roof rusted

Love Shack by The B-52’S

Well, it’s been so long

Cat People by David Bowie

I’m empty of words. Spirit, come and fill me up. Muse, tell me a story. Inspiration, come dance with me.

Forever, follow the winds of change. This way is adventure. That way is romance. But my favorite path is fortune and glory. To find myself in a place where I have all three is a dream come true and so much more. You might say heaven on earth has become real for me. You might say happily ever after is more than a children’s story. I say, imagination and fantasy are throwing a party, and reality is invited. So forget all your worries! Open a channel into your mind! The program is about to begin. We join our hero and his troubadours as their ship has just set ashore. 

Orlando, July 26, 2014

If I let my mind run free, I’ll never get it back. If I reel it back in, the line might break, and I’ll lose my last hook. If I try to net it, it will panic. So I toy with it. Give it a little slack, then gently pull it back in.

The heat rises, the doves coo, the pipers’ putt, the jets roar, and wisps of clouds burn away. Try as I might, my words don’t flow. Muse, where are you now?

Orlando, August 5, 2014

My head is baking. My ears assaulted by a murder of crows. The sunlight is crisp and colder. Hardly a breeze or any clouds to provide comfort or cover. 737s break the sky overhead. Moisture beads upon my brow and arms. If I don’t get back in the water soon, I might combust.

Orlando, September 9, 2014

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post-datePost Datepost-dateAuthorpost-dateCommentspost-dateOriginally Penned
December 9, 2022frankie0 CommentsJuly 26, 2014
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