The Road Forever Revealed

Coming out of my shell,
Leaving the shelter 
constructed of lies,
The door of which 
is a reopened wound
Putting on a new face, 
Genuine and bolder than 
Any I’ve adorned before,
Not a mask 
But a transformation and 
A statement of what’s real
Throwing off the old self,
Escaping my bondage 
To emotional traps,
Tasting freedom and 
Exploring vitality
Spreading my wings, 
Rising up to meet
My new-found confidence 
And strength,
Fully embracing who I am
No looking back, 
Forward momentum only.
Eyes ahead, vision clear, 
Imagining open vistas and 
The road forever revealed
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January 12, 2023frankie0 CommentsApril 15, 2014
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