Though the Road is Hard

No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the Kingdom of God.

Luke 9:62 NIV

This entire passage is about discouraging anyone who might be willing to “follow [him] wherever [he] goes” (v.57). To the first man, He says that we’ll have nowhere to sleep. To the next, even burying his father is a hindrance to the work at hand. And to another, family is baggage he can’t carry with him. Jesus is saying there are no “buts”, no “as soon as I’m done with this”, and no honor or duty greater than carrying the good news to others.

If we say our job comes first because our family needs us to provide, we are rejecting His call. If we give ten percent, we are not “All-in”. If looking good and feeling good is how we identify ourselves, then how can we identify with the Son of Man who “has no place to lay His head” (v.58)? If these words hurt, then rest assured God means to burn these attitudes out of us. He wants our total loyalty. All other responsibilities and obligations must not block us from receiving the gift. The gift of becoming children of the Kingdom, co-workers of the Lord, witnesses to the light that dawns in a dark world.

Thank you, Jesus, for opening the way for us to become God’s gift to you. Though the road is hard, the destination is your Glory.

Media: Le labourage by Rosa Bonheur - 1844 Rosa Bonheur , Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons (enhanced & resized)
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post-datePost Datepost-dateAuthorpost-dateCommentspost-dateOriginally Penned
January 18, 2023frankie0 CommentsSeptember 29, 2016
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