Where is My Justice?

Why am I on trial? Where is my Justice? Who will defend me? Who will be my Witness?

That night in October 1976 seems twisted and unrelated to who I am today. But who would I be if it had never happened? Would I be the husband and father that I am? Would I seek to be wise and empathetic to those around me? Would I still struggle to find peace and closure with my parents and a broken childhood? Would loneliness have the power to overwhelm me with emotion and helplessness? Would I seek connection with the same desire and longing? Would I be as certain of God’s grace, mercy, and devotion to my healing?

Today I am NOT young, naive, drugged, foolish, careless, or angry.

Today I AM mature, experienced, sober, wise, careful, and forgiving.

Today I am STILL caring, smart, headstrong (stubborn,) broken, believing, and sometimes fearful.

Forty-three years ago today (October 7, 2019)

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post-datePost Datepost-dateAuthorpost-dateCommentspost-dateOriginally Penned
February 3, 2023frankie0 CommentsOctober 7, 2019
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