The Loving Call of God

To know the loving call of God, I aim to follow His Son. To follow the Son, I must learn to love others. To learn to love others, I need to see the world through their eyes, feel the road passing under their feet, and directly experience what breaks their hearts.

Some say God came down to know what it is like to be us. I say God already knows us. He created us. He breathed life into us. He watched His Son die on the cross for us. He calls us to Himself. He made a way for us. The Way of the Cross. A bridge to salvation. An offer of grace. A beautiful invitation into His kingdom.

Does God need our empathy? Does He long for our love? Is He incomplete without our attention? Do we think God is sitting around waiting for us to come to our senses and return to Him? His Son Jesus is clear when He admonishes, “If you love me, feed my sheep!”

Might repentance be the cessation of loving our egos and putting the needs of others above our personal needs? We demonstrate we love God when we feed His lost, hungry, and frightened sheep. Only then will we begin to know and understand what God intends and purposes for us.

Holy God, please change our minds and hearts. You know us. You made us. You call us. Help us to see The Way. Help us to embrace your commandment to love others as confirmation that we love you. 

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February 6, 2023frankie0 CommentsDecember 26, 2022
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