Let Us Shine

Let us shine His light all of our days. A light that indirectly burned Moses’ face and required him to veil his face so that the Israelites would not stare at it. A light that is still hidden from their hearts because they will not turn to their Messiah. A light that produces a new image of glory in those that are courageous enough to cast their eyes on Him and His glory.

But we all, with unveiled faces, looking as in a mirror at the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.

2 Corinthians 3:18 NASB2020

If we contemplate the image of Christ as it is presented to us in His word, we will recognize that the veil is lifted. No longer do our hearts and our eyes see darkly, as they did for Moses’ people (vv. 12-14.) We are introduced to a new freedom revealed through His Holy Spirit (v. 17.) We see Him clearly, we see ourselves reflected in Him, and we see ourselves transformed into His image. We see His glory reflected back at us. In this mirror, we see His glory shining in us. 

Lord, transform us. You have removed the veil. You have given us your spirit. We see Your glory reflected back at us as if in a mirror, reminding us we are created new in your image. The image of God. All of this so that the world might see You and Your unending love and enduring grace. From wilderness wanderings to mountain top epiphanies; from rebellious disobedience to prostration at the foot of the cross; from foxhole prayers to prayers of contrition: make us shine as Your glory shines. Make our stories Your story of salvation, deliverance, and redemption. Make our images shine brightly, beacons and lighthouses in a dark and deadly sea of evil and chaos.

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March 23, 2023frankie0 CommentsMarch 22, 2023
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