The Muse Waxes Philosophical

The muse waxes philosophical, emboldened with love. Not maiden of story, but mother of sorrow. Forgetting not to excite – passing on wisdom and words, knowledge and certainty, candor and humor, and all that longs to be heard. Words and expressions pour forth onto the page. Further demonstration and manifestation of ego, consciousness, and motive.

What a crock of potatoes, you say. What a load of jam. Where is the presentation of proof science demands? But don’t be so quick to deny the power laid out on this page – the quickness inherent in a beautiful voice. She tells stories, describes places, and boasts of her prowess as sage. She taunts and challenges as she moves us to action. We partake in the mystery but question its validity. We participate in the telling and deny the voice. We can’t believe she can love our doubts and contradictions.

If the time has come to stop making excuses, when will signs and wonders make power unfold? How will the will of God be known? Where can I see this power descend on my life? From what advantage does my outlook change? On what platform does my attitude stand? Do I argue some more? Or open up to the possibility that breakthrough and awareness are mine to be had?

Questions seek answers. Answers drive more questions. Just keep moving! Soon you will see the words come alive. Don’t be surprised if they ask you your name.

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March 27, 2023frankie0 CommentsOctober 14, 2013
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