The Streets Are Paved With Gold

The streets are paved with gold
And gold surely doesn’t rust
If the entire world is broken
Who can we really trust?

Patterns of melting emotions
Seeping through the cracks
That someone has to lose
Doesn’t match the facts
Striving for connection and control
As we terminate our lifeline
Dancing until the sun goes down
While a broken record sings, I'm fine!

Do we want to see tomorrow?
Or just give up trying?
There is a way back from peril
And the other course is dying
Give and receive forgiveness
By offering  the other cheek
Stop hating who we are
Ask for peace in what we seek

One day anger will consume itself
What will possibly take its place?
If we search our hearts for love
Our tenderness will reveal His face
The voice that whispers softly
The land, as promised, is near
The way opens before us
A kingdom without fear
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post-datePost Datepost-dateAuthorpost-dateCommentspost-dateOriginally Penned
April 8, 2023frankie0 CommentsMarch 17, 2023
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