Owning The Kingdom

Do we lay claim to owning the kingdom? Declaring it as our home and our resting place? Do we serve as He served, passing through His trials and standing by Him?

You are the ones who have stood by Me in My trials; and just as My Father has granted Me a kingdom, I grant you that you may eat and drink at My table in My kingdom, and you will sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.

Luke 22:28-30 NASB2020

Do we pay tribute to Him in all we do, especially when something happens to us that we don’t like? Hasn’t He carried us through the good and the bad? If we object and stamp our feet in response to our circumstances, do we honor him? If He calls us to service or asks us to set a higher example, do we jump all in? Or do we point at others and say, “They’re doing it too?” When we said we would “follow you,” did we mean it?

If the answer is yes, then we must stand beside Him in all of His trials. Through accusations, punishment, and death, to get to resurrection and the “NEW LIFE.” A NEW LIFE where we sit with Him at the head of the table and receive the feast that has been prepared for us – healing, prosperity, abundance, freedom, and LOVE (the greatest of these!)

Lord, please help us to make our yeses yes and our noes no. Teach us to follow your obedience and service. To lay down our lives for others. To feed the hungry and heal the sick. To sacrifice our all for GOD’S GLORY.

Media: Frans Francken the Younger - The Passion of ChristFrans Francken the Younger, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons (enhanced & cropped)
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post-datePost Datepost-dateAuthorpost-dateCommentspost-dateOriginally Penned
April 19, 2023frankie0 CommentsSeptember 19, 2016
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