Dance Or Parish

This entry is part 3 of 8 in the series Promptings, Inklings, & Clues

Daring to Press On

We weren’t expecting to find a solution so perfectly attuned to our heritage and desires. We had fought against our nature for so long that we thought destruction was the only way out. We never stopped to consider that we had a solution hidden within us. A blueprint for harmony was built into our DNA. As if the creator had programmed an Easter Egg, waiting to be discovered by our innate curiosity and intentional abandonment of our collective will. We had to learn to let go and trust our instincts and mythologies. There she was, just standing there, waiting for us to open our eyes and stop fighting our impulses.

Winter Springs, FL, April 27, 2020

Foraging The Plains

Collecting morsels. Watching the forest’s edge. Expecting surprises. Pressing her close so we both feel safe. Wind chimes and warbling. Floating on a cloud. Freeing the Muse. She wants to dance. No, she has to dance. Dance or parish, she twirls to the rhythm of love, and an invisible force beckons her to higher heights of delight. Yes, my muse delights. She presses her eyes toward wistfulness. Desire mixed with kindness and a sense of belonging. Does she ache for release from her commitment? Or does she play a game that amuses her sense of romance and adventure? 

Get Out of Town

Beginning to see a glimpse of hope, He sloughs off the morning and presses into a posture of determination and purpose. Where does his sense of ambition overcome the doubt of his abilities? Where does the treasure of his heart intersect the narrative? Where indeed?

Winter Springs, FL, May 6, 2020

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May 1, 2023frankie0 Comments
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