Fields of Play

Is it football, fútbol, or soccer? Doesn’t matter! Its athletes outstanding in their field. They run, they shoot, they score. Then there’s the pass, except in baseball, which has the pitch! So wha’dya wanna play, sport? Your field of choice, a diamond, a pitch, or a grid. Fields of play, wha’dya say?

Years after the battle, all that remained was debris and unexploded mines. Paths etched by tank treads protect pockets of wildflowers. No one ever treads where once the dogs were loosed, save ghosts. Bitter winds sound like the screams of the wounded. Some say the grass smells like blood when you approach the edge of that lonely place. Fields of war, wha’dya they good for?

Early in my career, I tried to master technology and business. As I aged, I fought for social justice, never wanting to become political. Hard as I tried, eventually, I resigned to the reality that I was never going to make it into space. Fields of endeavor are gone forever.

Our grandfathers toiled, their clothes always soiled, to get every vegetable on the supper table. What the family didn’t consume fed the livestock. The goal was that no one went hungry. When the neighbors were in need, they pitched in to help. When winter approached, roots went into the cellar, beans went into jars, and grains were ground and put up dry. Fields of bounty, God’s accounting.

Then science comes to the rescue. In physics, matter equals energy. In biology, energy equals food. In chemistry, two gases and a catalyst make water. They all promise we won’t have to work for food, water, and shelter. We’ll just have to “make money” to finance more science. But in the long haul, resources still run out. Fields of science, life out of balance.

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May 19, 2023frankie0 CommentsJuly 17, 2013
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