It’s Hard To Keep Up

It’s hard to keep up…

With my mind. 
With my sorrows. 
With my dreams. 
With my longings.

With my intake of medications, liquids, nourishment, and love.

With the Twittersphere, the Facebookings, the Instagrammatons, the public service announcements, the headlines, the playoffs, the press conferences, the televised debates, the lawyers’ letters, and the dogs of war.

With the commitments, the obligations, the homework, the meetings, the publishing schedule, the appointments, and the relationships. 

With the family, the wife, the sons, the daughter-in-laws, the grandkids, the uncles, the nieces, the cousins, and the ants.

With the betrayals, the traumas, the rejections, the burdens, the flashbacks, the night terrors, the cold sweats, the gaslightings, the abandonments, the attempts on my life, the exes, the layoffs, the evictions, the stitches, the x-rays, the scans, and the diagnoses. 

With God’s Healing.
With God’s Grace.
With God’s Wisdom.
With God’s Love.

It’s hard to keep up, but I try…

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post-datePost Datepost-dateAuthorpost-dateCommentspost-dateOriginally Penned
May 22, 2023frankie0 CommentsMay 22, 2023
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