What Led Up to This?

This entry is part 7 of 8 in the series Promptings, Inklings, & Clues

What Led Up to This?

Ignoring the needs of the collective. Misinterpreting omens and signs. Refusing to return to our spiritual roots. Minimizing the loss of moral reckoning. Failing to learn from the past. Independence. Abandoning the tribe. For the sake of hedonistic exploration and application of intoxicating ritual (and fantasy.)

Bring It To a Close

Game over? Or, cliffhanger? The moral of the story? Or, what have we learned today? Happily ever after? Or, what the hell was that? Make room for a sequel? Or, A once in a lifetime adventure?

Forgetting What Is Real

Peeling back the onion. Going deeper than ever before. Pulling back the curtain. Nothing behind door number 3. Wrong address! Resetting the clock. Opening up the queue. Letting go of what was lost. Making a new covenant. Perfecting the process. Rectifying the system. Frolicking in a field of dreams where nightmares used to roam.

I’ve got blisters on my fingers!

John Lennon, as heard on Helter Skelter, By Lennon & McCartney

Developing A New Style

Picking up the pieces. Redistributing wealth. Emptying the pool. Locking up the valuables. Destroying the beast. Stop forgetting where we come from. Purpose or fate? Destiny isn’t written on a cocktail napkin.

How long, how long, how long
How long to sing this song?

40, by U2
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post-datePost Datepost-dateAuthorpost-dateCommentspost-dateOriginally Penned
June 26, 2023frankie0 Comments
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