Forgotten Are The Tears

Forgotten are the tears I’ve shed for others. Hidden are the scars drawn by demon battles. Ignored, the hurts and trespasses caused by so-called lovers. Left behind, the sleepless nights, waiting for a friend. 

I awaken out of a struggle to leave nightmare behind, push out of the dark, and into the light of a beautiful day. I’m still the guy who loves puppies and adores his kids. 

I’ve walked through the valley, fallen ten thousand leagues through misery and grief, and landed, like a cat, on my feet. I’ve slayed the dragon, rescued the beauty, led my people to a place of hope, and cried out, “Blessed assurance, we’re free at last.”

So, enjoy the milk and honey, there’s plenty more where that comes from.

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July 5, 2023frankie0 CommentsMay 19, 2018
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