Emotions Run Deep

Stuck in a groove where emotions run deep
Forever filling the void with yearning and pretense
Extracting injuries from dark buried memories
Searching for remedies and a suitable defense
Clambering over junk piles and boxes of clutter 
Rediscovering misery and images of his mother
Attempting to stuff ten cats snuggly in a bag
Analyzing each trauma, one after another
No answer hidden at the bottom of the bottle
Nor a reckoning sufficient to hold back the surge
He stoically bears the load, tight-lipped and composed
Like the marshal raising his baton at a pause in a dirge.
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post-datePost Datepost-dateAuthorpost-dateCommentspost-dateOriginally Penned
August 18, 2023frankie0 CommentsAugust 17, 2023
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