Clear The Mind

Clear the mind

Clear the mind. Stop the flow of memories. Open the heart and let His LOVE flow in. Find the rhythm. Stamp out the beat. Sing the melody that harkens. Follow your thoughts to a resting place. Relax!

Monitor what flows forth

Beauty and peace. Light chasing shadow. Sounds, brisk and powerful. Chimes in the background. Squawks piercing the explosive roar of a jet. A strong breeze remains after the sound of the plane is long gone. Blades of grass rippling in the strong wind. The normally calm lake running like a river. A cacophony of bird song emanating from the other shore. The sun glistening in a pattern of ripples and currents, driven by northeastern gusts. Nature remains the more powerful force. The sound of the wind rising and falling. The honk of a crow slicing the soundscape.

The final challenge

The school of life threw everything it had at me. When I walked out of the other side of the barrage, I was word and torn, but more determined than before to be the man that can’t be destroyed. I covered miles in the wilderness. I fought monsters undreamed of. I spent whole lifetimes lost at sea. I stood up to armies with only a few good men by my side. I retraced my steps in an endless maze. I explored entire planets in a system devoid of life. I stole the golden goose and burned down the corporate ladder. I did all these things so that when the time was right I would be ready for the final challenge.

Where, when, and why?

Where does the mind cease and the spirit release? When does time give up its resistance and call it a day? Why do we question our status as pawns in the bigger game? How can we sleep at night knowing that there is still a war to be won? Who is in charge?

Orlando, FL, November 5, 2013

Media: Clear The Mind, Created by The Author using Midjourney AI Art GeneratorClear The Mind, Created by The Author using Midjourney AI Art Generator
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