The Blessings You’ve Poured Out

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series God's Hand

Places I’ve lived. Places I’ve been. Things I’ve seen. Things I’ve done. People I’ve loved. People who have loved me. Dreams and memories. Regrets and past mistakes. Wounds and scars. Healings and breakthroughs. Longings and desires. Plans and adventures. Everything that influences what I am today cannot measure up to the blessings you’ve poured out on my life and on the lives of my loved ones.

Orlando, FL, July 21, 2014

What do I do when my blessings are too numerous to count? Sing Hallelujah! Dance and cry out! My thank you(s) seem puny, my gratitude list, bloated and trivialized, and my love, sorely inadequate. My awe overwhelms my grasp of His power, might, and glory. The only option left to me is to gasp, “My God!”

My My. Don’t say good-bye. Say Hey? Say good-day! Say love. Say it today. See me. See me be. See you. We be two. Two in a pod. Two so mod. Two of us. Two to trust.

Orlando, FL, July 11, 2014

Memories collide on a morning retreat. Regret crosses resolution on an old country road. Fickleness of mind mixes with a room full of observations. The voices of wiser personas cut a path through the background noise.

Block out the chaos and ungratifying distraction. When your inner vision clears, allow your focus to be on His glory. Then say thank you, Lord and Holy be your name. Isolate His commands and repurpose your motivation, to become more than a conqueror and a champion in His army. 

Wake up and smell the stirring of your heart. Without your complete and total devotion, you won’t hear the trumpet. Maturity evolves from discipline. Hearing His voice requires a still mind and a steady hand on the plow. Seeing with His eyes means receiving and extending His grace. His love cannot be bound on Earth or in the heavens.

Orlando, FL, July 12, 2014

Media: The Blessings You’ve Poured Out, Created by The Author using Midjourney AI Art GeneratorThe Blessings You’ve Poured Out, Created by The Author using Midjourney AI Art Generator
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September 6, 2023frankie0 CommentsJuly 11, 2014
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