Memories Intrude

Memories intrude on a peaceful setting. The sound of the ocean, overwhelmed by remorseful interruptions. Help me, Lord, to be here and be present.

Pain and fear demand my surrender. But the ship I sail is as sure as His might. By His glory, I banish the fear and by His blood, I acknowledge my healing. The darkness cannot overcome His presence in my life. For He is light! The light of the world.

Lord, you are a shield to my soul. No memory of the past can steal my peace. No curse brought by others can overshadow your grace. I ask you to anoint me with your protection and defense. Shine your light on my loved ones and make us an example of your love. May your deliverance be our standard and your sacrifice, our guide.

Media: Intruding Memories, Created by The Author using Midjourney AI Art GeneratorIntruding Memories, Created by The Author using Midjourney AI Art Generator
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post-datePost Datepost-dateAuthorpost-dateCommentspost-dateOriginally Penned
September 21, 2023frankie0 CommentsSeptember 2, 2018
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