Pieces in a Jigsaw Puzzle

Pieces in a Jigsaw Puzzle

Memories get shuffled around like pieces in a jigsaw puzzle. This doesn’t fit there, or apparently anywhere. When I  try arranging everything by color, I …

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Isolation Was My Playground

Isolation Was My Playground

In my childhood, I experienced many traumas. My early life was characterized by emotional neglect and abandonment. I was skinny, accident-prone, and awkward. Isolation was …

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The End of the Sidewalk

At The End of the Sidewalk

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series God's Hand

My belief is firm. God has always had His hand on me. I’ve survived many traumas. Abandoned as an infant. Shot in the head at twenty. Addicted to drugs for 20 years. Addicted to love for 20 more. …

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