Finding My Groove

Finding My Groove

Tiny ripples on the surface of my mind. What lies beneath? What dark mystery hides there? From this point of view, it only reflects …

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Thoughts and Sentiments

Thoughts and Sentiments

I’m pulling together thoughts and sentiments, letting the past flow out of view, and asking the Muse her opinion on the season. Hearing her …

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Something I've Misplaced

Something I’ve Misplaced

Making up for time I’ve lost. Feeling there is something I’ve misplaced. Rhythms of songs are my only constant. But I’m still alive and …

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Perfectionism Killed the Muse

Seeking forgiveness for the past. Seeing mistakes in my best work. Spelling it right the first time, knowing full well, that perfectionism killed the …

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But Most of All, With LOVE

But Most of All, With LOVE

Many, many blessings surround our life together. Our love is sustained through the continued acknowledgment and inventory of such treasures. He blesses us with …

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clear the mind

Clear The Mind

Clear the mind. Stop the flow of memories. Open the heart and let His LOVE flow in. Find the rhythm. Stamp out the beat. Sing the melody that harkens. Follow your thoughts to a resting place. Relax!…

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