Frankie Lavien Bennett Jr.
Frankie Lavien Bennett Jr. [email protected]


Frankie is a poet, storyteller, and teacher. His views of the world have been influenced by 20th-century history, traumatic events in his childhood and youth, recovery and healing principles, his belief in the hope, grace, and love of a wonderful creator, and the Good News of Jesus Christ. His words reflect the human experience, offering resilience, healing, and hope. Through his unique voice, Frankie weaves a tapestry of profound connection and the power of storytelling. His dedication, gratitude, and love extend beyond his writing to his family. He hopes his story will serve as a powerful legacy to be passed on to future generations.

Frankie is a remarkable individual who traverses a unique path he proudly calls his own. With a passion for words and a love for storytelling, he finds solace and expression in the art of writing poems and narratives. 

Frankie’s perspective on the world resulted from the tumultuous events of the 20th century. From the echoes of history’s trials and tribulations, he draws inspiration. He can craft poignant pieces that reflect the complexities of the human experience.

Frankie’s life journey has been full of personal challenges as well. He faced traumatic events throughout his life that tested his resilience. Yet, from the depths of those difficult times, he has emerged with a strength that fuels his creative spirit. He infuses his work with profound depth and authenticity. Frankie has battled addiction, PTSD, depression, and other mental health concerns. He has experienced the miracles of recovery and healing and is passionate about sharing his experience, strength, and hope. He believes his direct experiences inspired a powerful message worth sharing. His writing serves as a testament to the human capacity for healing and the triumph of the human spirit.

Central to Frankie’s worldview is his unwavering belief in the hope, grace, and love of a magnificent creator and the Good News of Jesus Christ. He finds solace in the belief that there is beauty and meaning to be found in every moment, and his words reflect a profound connection to the divine. Frankie seeks to inspire others through his writing, offering a glimpse of the profound love and mercy that permeates God’s creation.

In Frankie’s words, we find a tapestry woven from the threads of history, trauma, recovery, and faith. This tapestry invites us to contemplate the human condition and embrace our vulnerabilities. This allows him to hold on to his unwavering belief in the boundless power of love. Even amidst life’s darkest moments, there is always room for hope and healing. Frankie’s unique voice leaves an indelible impression on those fortunate enough to encounter his work. His intent is to remind us of the extraordinary power of words and the roles faith and perseverance play in overcoming trauma, heartbreak, and sorrow.

Frankie’s dedication goes beyond writing and recovery. He loves his family deeply. They are his pride and devotion, and he sees his writing as a legacy to pass down to future generations. Through his words, he shows the depth of his emotions, the wisdom he has gained, and the lessons he wishes to impart. Frankie’s writing is a gift that transcends time, a tangible expression of his love, and a testament to the enduring bond he shares with his family. It is through his literary legacy that Frankie hopes to inspire, guide, and leave a lasting imprint on the hearts and minds of those he holds dear.

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